Saturday, March 16, 2013


One of my favorite days:) 3 years ago, at 11:36am, we became a family of three. You were the sweetest baby I had ever seen, and I just couldn't believe that you were mine.
1st Family Photo
From the beginning, you were a very easy baby. Even the pregnancy was smooth, with no major concerns, though I did get very emotional! And if all labors were like yours (which I found out they're not!) I could have hundreds of babies:) For the first few months you slept all the time, and hardly cried at all. It was so amazing to watch you change and grow every day. And boy did you grow during that first year.
Olivia, the first year
I look back now, and can't believe that tiny little baby is now a silly, independent little girl. You've grown so much and developed such a neat personality. As I write this, I can hear you upstairs singing in your bed, even though you should be napping. I'm afraid our easy nap times may be coming to an end. You love to dress up and pick your own outfits. Sometimes the combinations are rather wild! You love books and puzzles and playing with your baby dolls. You're a princess girl at heart, and love to watch your Disney movies. You sing and dance along, and love that they end with everyone getting married (even if they don't). You also love animal movies, like The Lion King and Brother Bear, and most of the Pixar ones as well. You have been the best helper since your brother was born. You sing and talk to him, and bring him things when he cries. You love to hold him, even though it makes mama a little nervous:)

We are so lucky to have you. I love you more than you will ever know.

Happy Birthday, my sweet baby girl.

Sunday, March 10, 2013

To the Beach

One of the things I love about where we live is how close we are to the coast. And one thing we love to do at the coast is dig for razor clams. Since there were digs this weekend with afternoon low tides (opposed to the insanely early morning ones), we decided to load up the kids and head to the beach. Olivia was super excited to go, though she didn't understand about the whole clam digging thing.

If you've never had them, razor clams are delicious, and I like when we dig our own. You can use a shovel, but we're gun people around here:)
Yes, that is my custom pink clam gun:) 

 Since this is Washington, going to the beach means bundling up like you're trekking through the mountains. Livi was prepared, and ready to help Daddy.

Clam digging is serious business.
Normally I love to dig my own, but since I was packing Aidan in the carrier, Marlin might have helped me get my limit:) Aidan and I supervised. My job is spotting the little suckers in the sand, and I'm pretty good at it, if I do say so myself. It's a talent:)
Hanging out in the carrier

Razor clams aren't the prettiest things, but they are really tasty. I forgot to take a picture yesterday, but in case you've never seen one, hear ya go:
This is from a few years ago. And yep, I caught that bad boy myself.

All told, we had a really nice day. The sun was out, it wasn't too windy, and best of all it didn't rain:) Olivia had fun playing in the sand, throwing it, and pretending to sink in the holes left by the clam guns.
A lovely March day on the Washington coast

Friday, March 8, 2013

4 Months

Our little man turned 4 months last week, and yesterday he went in for his check-up. I'm pleased to report that he is growing great, though a little underweight. He's longer and lighter than Olivia was at the same age, but the doctor's not worried about it right now. I can't believe how much he has grown and changed in just the last few months!
Clockwise from top left: Birth, 4 months, 3 months, 2 months, 1 month

Aidan has such a happy personality. He smiles so much, especially when Olivia is in view:) He loves it when she talks and sings to him, and watches her when she dances around the room like the crazy nut she is. He loves his swing, but he's still not a big fan of tummy time. Yesterday he figured out how to solve that problem, though. He figured out how to get from back to front a couple of weeks ago, but yesterday he managed the reverse. He's also become very attached to his little blue blanket, just like Olivia's night-night. She has always made sure that he had it whenever we went anywhere. He likes to rub it all over his face, then leave it there while he falls asleep (yes, I make sure he can still breathe!)

And a little comparison of the two of them at 4 months:
Aidan is currently 12lbs, 4 oz and 25.25 in long. Olivia was 13lbs, 8oz and 24.75 inches. Look at those faces, they are definitely siblings!